Tokyo Keiki
TOKYO KEIKI INC., originally known as TOKIMEC, is a distinguished entity based in Tokyo, Japan, with a history that dates back to its establishment on May 1, 1896. The company operates under the leadership of Tsuyoshi ANDO, who serves as the Representative Director, President, and CEO. With a workforce of approximately 1,700 employees across its group, TOKYO KEIKI is engaged in a myriad of sectors including the development, manufacturing, sales, and maintenance of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment, alongside defense and communication systems. The company’s capital is reported to be around 7,218 million yen, indicating its significant scale and financial capacity in the industry.
The company’s operational breadth extends across four main business segments, encompassing defense and communications equipment, hydraulic and pneumatic equipment, port and harbor equipment, and fluid equipment. TOKYO KEIKI is renowned for its expertise in producing and servicing a wide array of products ranging from defense equipment, marine transportation system equipment, road and tunnel measurement and automatic control equipment, to hydraulic and pneumatic components. This diverse product portfolio underscores the company’s commitment to innovation and excellence in various industrial domains. The firm’s financial performance is also notable, with reported revenues of 44.90 billion JPY and a net income of 865.00 million JPY, which reflects its robust position in the market.